We went on a field trip to the Tellus Museum in Cartersville, Georgia in early April. It was a great field trip, really a nice museum. I love field trips that let all of my kids still at home, aged 19 down to 5, enjoy something together ! I want to remember, imprint in my mind, that feeling of pure happiness that comes when I see them, not just in the same room, or side by side, but together. Sometimes, I will be honest, I forget the reasons why we homeschool. Not in a larger,philosophical sense, but just in the practical day-to-day. An example: on the days when I have not been able to get my coupons sorted and grocery list made because there is breakfast to make and clean up, then chores, then laundry to swap over, then school books to get out, always with the someone needing help with something (not just school, but where's my toothbrush, where's the odd sock basket??). And that is just on the days where they actually get dressed and brush their teeth. I don't mean that to sound like I am complaining, I say all of that just to illustrate why, when I actually get to the store and I see moms buying fruit snacks for their apparent offspring that are clearly not with them, and peacefully looking at produce...I ask myself WHY are they not in school???? Do I just enjoy inflicting pain and hardship on myself? But the clarity comes when the hubbub dies down...when I go to sleep at night knowing that I connected with each of them in different ways, where they had needs that day. And when we go places together like the museum and they enjoy being together, and they see that the whole world is truly their classroom, it makes my mama-heart stronger to face the next day. They are small moments of clarity in a sea of moments where I so easily forget, and sin so easily entangles me in the cares of this world, but God is so gracious and good to give them to me...always at exactly the moment when I am sure I have failed them all, He shows me we are exactly where He wants us!
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
16 hours ago
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