Here is a replica of a crane that would have been used to build Herod's palace, stone by stone:
A grain silo like what would have been used during the famine in Egypt when Joseph's brother's came to him for help:
A battlement on top of a tower that was used as a defense against enemies:
My little wanna-be Isrealite tent-dwelling butter churner:
A real, authentic "hedge of protection"...looks quite safe for a sheep, doesn't it?
A cross that is as authentic as they think they can get to one like Christ would have been crucified on:
A well, just because it has a real rooster on it (the very same rooster that attacked and pecked Abbie on the back when she would not stop bugging him later. Add roosters to her list of odd phobias.):
Will post soon on the Seder meal...
this looks so cool!