Saturday, November 13, 2010

Monkeyin' Around

First Aid... in the 6th Grade

Matthew joined Boy Scouts this year. He has been in Scouts for 2 or 3 years before this, but we took a break last year. He switched troops this year to a homeschool troop and he is loving it. And I love it because it is the first thing so far in this school year that has caused him to pick up and read a book (Boy Scout Handbook) without me having to stand over him and threaten bodily harm (which is not so conducive to a relaxing reading atmosphere). In honor of Matthew reading a book, I present you with pictures of him giving us all a (very funny) seminar on proper administration of first aid for a nosebleed :

caring for a burn victim's wounds:

And of course, your standard, run-of-the-mill boo-boo:

He also enlightened us on how to care for bug bites, snakes bites, blisters and ingrown toenails (not really) and other various injuries common to rascally little kids like mine!